American Sloughgrass
American sloughgrass is a tall, light green, stout, erect annual bunchgrass with round cylindrical stems. It has approximately 90,000 seeds per pound. It is an obligate wetland species. Leaves are flat (5-10 mm) and long. Mature plants range from 1-1.25 meter in height depending on soil type and hydrology. Flowers are in 10-30 clusters, narrow spikes that are pressed close to top of stem (culm). Spikes are 10-30 cm long. Habitat consists of bunchgrass prairies, moist meadows and vernal pools, marshy flats, ditches and mud of irrigated fields, also along edges of lakes, sloughs and ponds where it has been planted widely for wildlife food. American sloughgrass is compatible with other wetland and riparian annual and perennial grasses, forbs, legumes. American sloughgrass provides excellent wildlife habitat and food for small mammals, game birds and waterfowl.