Spike Bentgrass
Spike bentgrass is a slender, stout, tufted perennial grass that does not have rhizomes or stolons but has growth points from basal nodes or tillers. Seed size is extremely small approximately 5.5-6 million seeds per pound. Spike bentgrass grows where annual rainfall ranges between 12-35 inches or higher. Spike bentgrass is a short, slender native. Mature plants range from 20-120 cm in height. Habitat consists of stream-banks, tidal mashes, rocky beaches, bluffs, wet meadows, river bars, clearings, moist open ground from sea level to middle elevations from southeastern Alaska to southern California. Generally not found above 6,550 ft elevation. Spike bentgrass unlike many Agrostis spp is compatible with other annual and perennial native grasses, forbs, legumes and tree plantings. Therefore it is highly recommended as a component in custom native mixtures for re-vegetation of logged-off, burned-over timberlands, oak woodlands and wet prairies. Spike bentgrass provides excellent wildlife habitat for mammals, birds and waterfowl.